Professional Varicose Vein Treatments
At Atlanta Vascular Specialists, we help treat the unwanted appearance and discomfort associated with varicose veins. With decades of experience in vascular surgery, we use the latest technology to help reduce (the pain sometimes associated with varicose veins as well as) the appearance of varicose veins while providing you with quality care.
FREE vein consultations are available at our Vein Center in Newnan, GA. To schedule a visit or learn more about our treatments for varicose veins call us today at (404) 524-0095.
Find Treatment for Your Varicose Veins
Varicose veins are enlarged, twisted blood vessels that are just under the skin, often affecting the legs.
When a vein becomes damaged or loses strength, blood cannot recirculate and pools in the affected area. This may cause swelling, knotting and a purple or red appearance. Some people who have varicose veins are only bothered by the way they look, but others may experience a tired, heavy feeling in their legs, itching, pain, and other symptoms.
Trust Our Board-Certified Vascular Surgeons
If you have cosmetic concerns about your varicose veins or are experiencing itching, aching or burning in your legs, one of our qualified, board-certified physicians can provide treatment to help correct these issues.
Lifestyle changes such as elevating the legs and wearing compression stockings are conservative measures that can help improve the appearance and pain of varicose veins. However, if symptoms persist or cause skin issues, a simple procedure may be the best option. Our medical team will help determine the best treatment plan for you, based on a number of factors involving your health and condition.
Treatment Options for Varicose Veins
Atlanta Vascular Specialists offers various treatments for diseases and health conditions affecting the veins if more conservative measures don't help. All of our varicose vein procedures are done in our Fayetteville office and requires little to no down time.
Chronic Venous Insufficiency
Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) is a condition that occurs when the valves in the leg veins are not working properly, making it difficult for blood to return to the heart from the legs. CVI causes blood to “pool” or collect in these veins that can leak to nearby tissue causing you to have swelling in the ankles.
The legs can then feel heavy and ache. Symptoms are worse during the day while you are upright. At night, if the legs are elevated, there is some relief from the aching and the swelling can subside.
If the swelling is not controlled, inflammation can occur. Constant swelling may mean that the skin develops reddish-brown spots and gradually thickens, becoming hard and leathery. Eventually, a break in the skin can occur and an ulcer or chronic sore may develop. The ulcers can become infected and require hospitalization and antibiotic therapy. Once ulcers develop, they could take months to heal and require extensive treatment.
A venous duplex scan that can be done in our office may be required to determine the extent of the problem and whether or not a procedure could correct the problem. Our in-office vein procedures include radio frequency ablation, Venaseal, Varithena, and ultrasound guided foam sclerotherapy. Most of these procedures are covered by insurance.
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